Industries on Our Radar

Our spirit is entrepreneurial. Our drive is innovative. Our focus is the future. Led by a dynamic team whose singular vision is to grow our footprint, we are constantly pursuing investment opportunities to diversify our portfolio. As a team, we consistently seek new ways to stay ahead of customers’ needs, with the introduction of distinctive products and services. This spirit and diversification strategy, since inception, have enabled us to sustain growth, even in the toughest markets – a testament to our ability and tenacity.

Leisure & Tourism

Tourism has traditionally been the third-largest foreign exchange earner in the country. Despite challenges, long-term prospects remain strong within the sector, offering solid investment and trade opportunities. Sri Lanka is targeting six million tourist arrivals by 2025 yielding earnings of USD 10 billion.

Being a tropical island and having the good fortune of being a year-round travel destination, longer-term prospects for the industry remain strong. Sri Lanka offers a unique diversity of experiences, culture, picturesque landscapes and vast natural beauty.

Chesmi intends to take advantage of the positives Sri Lanka offers in the leisure and tourism sectors. We will focus on attracting local and global travelers both corporate and leisure, with innovating offerings, products and services for niche customer segments, that give us a competitive edge.

With Colombo transforming rapidly, we envisage business opportunities that are diverse . With our experience of managing two luxury rentals, Chesmi is aware of the potential and possibilities of this dynamic market.

We intend to grow our portfolio by harnessing that potential and seeking investment opportunities.


Two decades ago, the agriculture industry in Sri Lanka entered a new phase. New technology, tools and machinery have been gradually introduced into farming practices over the past twenty years. Digitalisation now occurs across a broad spectrum. The possibility of bringing in smart technology solutions at each stage of the farming system opens opportunities for growth of the sector..

Sri Lanka’s 46 agro-ecological regions’ revenue adds 7.9% to the country’s GDP, with agriculture being a major livelihood in rural areas. This aligns itself well with our sustainability policy. In addition to the national emphasis to maximize on the country’s naturally fertile soil and perfect weather conditions for the expansion of agriculture-related products and services

The country’s processed fruit and vegetables, have immense demand in both the West and the East. Comparatively to spices, fruit and vegetables have been identified as one of the high potential sectors for export growth. From Ceylon Cinnamon, to pepper, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and mace, Chesmi is aggressively pursuing value addition of these spices targeting the export market, with a focus on expanding to other high demand varieties such as ginger, turmeric, vanilla and organic tea. We see opportunities in the export sector, which we intend to pursue as an integral facet to our business model.

Fisheries & Aquaculture

Being an island, Sri Lanka has a coastline of 1,340 kilometers with exclusive fishing and economic rights for an ocean area of 500,000 square kilometers. The country has a rich supply of fisheries and aqua-fishery products. It is recognised today as a reputed exporter, supplying top grade yellow fin and big eye tuna, as well as prawn and sea crab to discerning international markets. Contributing 2% of the country’s GDP, fisheries and aquaculture is one of the largest industries and is a vital element in social and economic progress.

Sri Lanka’s proactive stance to consider and comply with the ‘Blue Economy’ which promotes the sustainable use of the ocean’s resources, facilitating inclusive economic growth and livelihood development, in addition to the environmental sustainability of oceans and coastal areas, is a step forward. It further cements the potential this sector can yield. From a global perspective, efforts to create a blue economy align directly with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Chesmi recognizes fisheries and aquaculture as one of Sri Lanka’s most promising industries in the long term. Significant potential exists for exports and expansion in supply chain optimisation, waste management and other value-added services.

Therefore, exploring both marine fish production and inland & aquaculture fish production are two areas that have gained our focus.


Sri Lanka’s healthcare industry is one of the best in South Asia. Both the public and private healthcare sector is instrumental in ensuring universal healthcare and is on a constant upward movement of the country’s Human Development Index indicators. With the onset of the pandemic, increased demand for private healthcare has intensified, while Ayurveda and alternative medicine has also gained stimulus. Rapidly improving standards, places Sri Lanka as home to international-grade medical facilities, and equipment coupled with the expertise of world-class healthcare professionals.

Sri Lanka’s ageing population and the rising rate of Non-Communicable Diseases have seen medical care requirements increase in the recent past. Especially for medical supplies and medical equipment. Furthermore, Sri Lanka’s geographic location makes the country is well positioned to attract foreign medical tourism.

Understanding the immense potential for investment this sector presents, Chesmi is eager to be a part of this multi-faceted industry and is currently pursuing investment opportunities within and aligned to this sector.


Sustainable energy is the way forward for the world. Aligned with the UN Sustainability Development Goal 7, which aims to have universal access to affordable clean energy in the global energy mix by 2030, countries around the world, are working towards renewable energy options.

Affiliated with the UN SDG goal, Sri Lanka too has set itself a target of having 70% renewable energy in its energy mix by 2030 and an additional target of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. This goal is now embedded in policy, where fuel diversification and energy security has become strategic objective. Sri Lanka’s wide-ranging plans to use renewable energy in the form of solar, wind, water and bio-fuels are gaining traction.

Chesmi Consolidated is poised to contribute to Sri Lanka’s renewable energy goals, given the abundance of sustainable energy that can be harnessed. Liquid Nitrogen Gas LNG is an excellent alternative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help combat global warming. Natural gas is also well suited to meet the challenges of the 21st century, from global warming to protecting the environment.

We aim to architect an ideal mix of renewable energy and natural gas into our business portfolio, aimed at helping the country, not just meet the UN SDG 7, but also in playing our part in combating global warming and climate change.

Extending Support to Emerging Entrepreneurs 

Are you an entrepreneur with a creative idea? A small business wanting to expand? A start-up that needs assistance navigating the marketplace? Or a business looking to maintain and expand operations? We are interested in working with smart, driven individuals with innovative business ideas, whether you are local or foreign business. 

If you are looking for an experienced partner or investor, send us the information as detailed below.  Ensure that you pack your pitch with hard data! We will revert with an assessment based on your proposal. lf your goals and values are similar to ours; you have a definite partner in us!  

Please note, any and all information submitted via this portal will remain confidential. 

Tell us about your business:  Please note that you have to  fill all sections,  prior to submitting your proposal  

Tell us about your business

Please note that you have to fill all sections, prior to submitting your proposal

a) What is your value proposition? 

b) What are your Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)?

c) What are your goals?

a)  What is your target customer base? 

b)   Do you have a competitive edge? 

c)  What are the challenges you face? 

d)  Is there potential to grow?


a) How do you reach your target market? 

b) Why does your model make sense?

c) Why is it different to your competitors?

a) How do you position your product or service to generate revenue? 

a) Who is your lead?

b) How does your management work?

c) How do the key players add value to the business? 

d)How much is your business worth? Give us an estimate.